Monday, 8 April 2013

In praise of Elan Morgan: brilliant blogger

Well, blow me down with a feather! I never would have thought it but my previous post was chosen to go on Elan Morgan’s, Schmutzie & You Five Star Friday. Elan is an amazing blogger and interesting writer; profoundly intelligent, wise and friendly. She is also a very creative photographer, poet, designer and public speaker. If you haven't seen Elan’s blog do check it out. You will be pleasantly surprised. You'll find her at:

The fact that Elan put my post on her Five Star Friday has left me a bit speechless and blushing with pleasure. As a newbie blogger who almost gave up blogging after a couple of disastrous attempts on other blogging platforms, this inclusion has sent my confidence soaring. So to you, Elan, I send a huge thank you. Your work always inspires and feeds my soul.

Even though this is a short post, I do have a piece of writing in my draft file waiting to be finished and I will get it finished soon. Now I'm old, various medical issues pop up that take my attention away from the pleasures (and anxieties) of writing.  

As Arnie said, “I'll be back”.  Soon.


  1. I've known about Elan for some time and think so highly of her. She makes us all want to be better bloggers and people. I "met" her on Twitter. Are you on Twitter? I tried to find you there and couldn't. Congrats on your inclusion in Five Star Friday. It was well deserved and I owe Elan for including you since that's how I found you. :-)

  2. Oh, so glad you like Elan, she is awesome! And so knowledgeable and wise for someone so young. It was so kind of her to include my little old post in her Five Star Friday. I felt very honoured. Thank you for your kind words too.

    I'm afraid I can't get on with Twitter. I tried it but it frustrated the bejeezus out of me. I may be doing it wrong but I suspect the frustration comes from not being able to ramble on and on and on . . . As you can see, I suffer from verbal diarrhea. :-)
